Sunday, April 25, 2010

Faith's First Kiss

Faith's social calendar was very full this weekend. Started Thursday night with a visit in Seattle to see Penelope and Josie. Friday morning was spent haging out with Grandpa David while Mommy got her hair "did." Friday night Brian and Bales showed up and we added Frank to the mix and headed to dinner. We went out to Bob's for burgers (A Bellingham favorite). Saturday morning Faith hung out with Daddy and napped while Mommy went to a baby shower. Saturday evening Faith got to meet the Seahawks. Sunday morning the Gray's stopped by with Kellan and Faith received her very first KISS! She is now grounded for a month!

1 comment:

  1. Kellan doesn't kiss just anyone, you know. I think he was marking Faith as "his". ;)
    It was so fun to see you guys! Hope it's not so long until the next time.
