Friday, April 16, 2010

Tum Tum Tummy Time

After many unsuccessful attempts at Tummy Time we finally had a good session. She lifted her head up higher today than I have ever seen it and she was happy doing it. Usually she hates it and barely lifts her head off the blanket before yelling at mommy and daddy and giving up!

As an update............... Faith went to the doctor today due to her voice sounding like Demi Moore and a frog all mixed up in one. Turns out our Little Punkin Pie has a sinus infection. First round of antibiotics at 3.5 months old. Poor chiquita. Here's to hoping in a few days that Demi's voice will be given back to her and we will hear sweet little Faith's voice once again!

1 comment:

  1. Faith is already so big! And of course remains as cute as can be. :) Sorry to hear about the sinus infection; we definitely know what those are like! Sounds like it wasn't too bad, though, was it?
    Such a pro at tummy time at only 3.5 months? I think she's going to be an early crawler... :)
